Stimulate Hair Growth with Scalp Massage

Posted by Shanitra on Monday, August 8, 2011. Filed under: , , ,

Stimulate hair growth with scalp massage
Massages are known for being relaxing and for increasing blood circulation. They are not just for your body and limbs, but can also be very beneficial for your scalp. The increase of blood flow that can be caused by a scalp massage also increases the amount of nutrients brought to each hair follicle, stimulating hair growth. The more nutrients brought to hair follicles, the faster hair will begin to grow.

You can get a good massage by gently rubbing in circular motions throughout the scalp. A scalp massage can be done with or without oil. If you use oil try tea tree, coconut, olive, or jojoba oil. To increase the effects of the massage, heat the oil for about 30 seconds in the microwave before applying to the scalp.  

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