Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar rinse
Posted by Shanitra on Sunday, July 10, 2011. Filed under: acv rinse, acv rinse on natural hair, apple cider vinegar rinse, cider vinegar rinse, moisture retention
Apple Cider vinegar or ACV is very beneficial to natural hair. It is a pH balancer which is good for restoring the optimum growth promoting pH levels for your scalp. ACV also removes residue and closes the cuticle of a strand, creating shine. It kills bacteria and it prevents dandruff. Because ACV closes the hair cuticle it promotes moisture retention. This is great for curly heads that often have dry hair. ACV conditions the hair, defines curls, and promotes a clean and healthy scalp.
ACV can best be used on hair as a rinse. Shampoo hair and then apply an ACV rinse. You can rinse the rinse completely out or leave a little in. There is a vinegar smell when used, but it will fade as your hair dries. Because vinegar is acidic do not apply the rinse more than once weekly.
In order to create an apple cider vinegar rinse, mix 1/3 cup of ACV with 1 quart of water. I would recommend putting the mixture into a spray bottle and spray directly on hair thoroughly.
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